The Club

The Club Tennis de La Salut was founded in 1902 by a group of athletes.

Also the Club Tennis de La Salut is the only club in the world to have two players who have won the International Masters of Tennis , Manolo Orantes in 1976 and Àlex Corretja in 1998. All this is a source of pride for the our Club that has also developed a didactic task throughout all these years, not only in the sports field but also in the human aspect.
Our Club is an entity characterized by its tennis and paddle tennis activity with an important sporting trajectory, widely recognized by the world of tennis and now also in the world of paddle. The evolution and trend of the sports market in which the club develops its activity requires an adaptation and expansion of sports facilities and practices, more in line with the current demands of sports users.
A whole range of sports accessories have been articulated around the central axis of the Club, which is tennis and paddle tennis, and socials that expand the range of services to the member, and that make the club more competitive. The construction of four new paddle courts (a total of 9 courts plus one individual) and the new gym are a clear example of this trend, which is very widespread in today’s sport.
This year, a completely new 500 m2 gym has been built with different multipurpose rooms for the practice of different directed activities such as indoor biking, zumba, yoga, pilates, among others. We also have the free weight, cardio and guided machines area.
In the social sphere, the Club has different spaces for Restaurant Service , Snack, terraces and chill-out. Also noteworthy are the tennis and paddle schools, with a wide range of schedules and levels, as well as children’s and youth sports and leisure activities.


Throughout its history the Club de Tennis de La Salut has achieved the following distinctions:


Creu de Sant Jordi


Medalla d’Or al Mèrit Esportiu


Guardó de forjador de l’esport català i Club Forjador de la història esportiva de Catalunya


Ajuntament de Barcelona, Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya


Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya (UFEC)


Comitè Olímpic de Catalunya. COC


Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona


Federació Internacional de Tennis. ITF


Real Federación Española de Tennis


Federació Catalana de Tennis


Club amb Cor, per la fundació Cáritas

board of directors

Sr. Felip Ródenas i Morera
Vicepresident 1st
Sr. Javier Latorre Claudio
Vicepresident 2nd
Sr. Enric Jové Bosch
Vicepresident 3th
Sr. Toni Servera Santiago
Sr. Ignacio Puértolas Gil
Sra. Concepción Préscoli Hernández
Sr. Gonzalo Jarque Araez
Board members
  • Sr. Oscar Castaño Gil
  • Sra. Mònica Delcor Belloc
  • Sra. Laia Espelt Pecanins
  • Sra. Núria García García
  • Sra. Chantal Goncer Donoso
  • Sr. Joan Ignasi Grau Alafont
  • Sr. Cristian Guitart Canal


Founding President
Eduardo Solá Guardiola
First Honorary President
Eusebio Güell Bacigalupi (Conde de Güell)
Joan Galobert Duran
Francisco Carrera
Santiago Marchuac
Jaume Gustà
Lluis Ricart Roca
Emilio Pailhez
1914 - 1928
Joaquim Sindreu Estuch
1928 - 1936
Josep Guitart
Joan Puig Marcó
Eduardo Juanola Reixach
1939 - 1940
Ramón Grau Badia
1940 - 1941
José Gascón i Ballabriga
1941 - 1958
Francisco Terraza Guitart
1958 - 1968
Román Camps i Puigdomenech
1968 - 1972
José M. Ardèvol Vidiella
1972 - 1979
Mariano Cortadas Mercader
1979 - 1980
Fermín Morales Tola
1980 - 1988
Francisco Plass Giral
1988 - 1997
Rafael Español i Navarro
Joaquín Barreira Sans
1997 - 2005
Pere Sánchez i Ruestes
2005 - 2009
Alfredo Coco Foriscot
2009 - 2012
Angel Toyos i Buigues
2012 - 2013
Antonio Jávega Zaidín
2013 - Currently
Felip Ródenas i Morera